Installation celebrating LGBTQ+ heritage embedded in the rich collections at RAMM, Exeter


Photos: Jim Wileman


LGBTQ+ people were asked to select objects from RAMM’s collections that resonate with them. Through audio interviews their stories can be explored via our interactive installation.


The installation includes extracts from life story interviews with LGBTQ+ people. Interviewees chose an object from RAMM’s collections that resonated with them. The interviews cover various aspects of LGBTQ+ lives and experiences and demonstrate diverse ways in which the collections can speak to LGBTQ+ people. They raise important questions about how museums can locate and preserve LGBTQ+ heritage for the future. 

The inspiration for the butterfly came initially from seeing the collection of butterflies at the RAMM, which connects to themes that arise within some of the stories around transformation, beauty and spreading your wings.

At RAMM we are dedicated to creating platforms for underrepresented and marginalised voices, and the new Stand + Stare interactive display will allow us to share oral histories from LGBTQ+ people and explore ways of telling our shared history.
— Ellie Coleman, RAMM's engagement officer


The installation is part of the Out and About: Queering the Museum project, lead by University professor Jana Funke, socially-engaged writer Natalie McGrath and RAMM’s engagement officer Ellie Coleman. The project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and run as a partnership between RAMM and the University of Exeter.

You can listen to the full interviews and read transcripts here: www.outandabout.exeter.ac.uk 


RAMM - Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery, Exeter


February 2022 - ongoing


Fabricator: Aron Duckworth
Creative technologist: Barney Livingston

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