Sound and Light installation for Association of Anaesthetists


Step into the Operating Theatre to discover the importance of anaesthesia and changes in anaesthetics through the ages.


Using the arrow and play buttons located on the operating table, visitors can illuminate various medical machinery, drugs and instruments and trigger audio recordings to learn about their specific uses. 

Visitors also hear from leading anaesthetists about trailblazing breakthroughs and pioneering techniques that have occurred over the last century. These include some eye-opening stories about life jackets, car parts, and pickled specimens. 

The installation combines narration with oral history interviews to explain the depth of training needed to keep people under anaesthetic, and the crucial role that anaesthetists play in critical care.

The Operating Theatre is on permanent display at the Heritage Centre, located at the Association of Anaesthetists in Central London.


Association of Anaesthetists


November 2021 - ongoing


Debs Hoy - creative producer
Barney Livingston - creative technician
Anna Carus-Wilson - voice over

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